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Sunset Magazine Caesar Salad

Subject: Sunset Magazine Caesar Salad Dressing —from the 1970s
From: Hillary
Date: 2/10/2021, 3:38 PM

On 2/9/2021 10:37 PM, Hillary wrote:

Dear Uncle Phaedrus:

I hope you can help me find a recipe for Caesar Salad dressing published 
in Sunset Magazine in the early 1970s. It is the first thing I learned to 
cook at the age of 10 and used to prepare it tableside for my parents and 
other guests (side trip down memory lane).  It might have had the word 
“blender” in the title as the preparation method was to use a blender.  

I remember most (but not all) of the ingredients and some of the preparation 
steps. I don’t remember quantities. I tried to recreate it a year or so ago 
and it was a disaster.  But it’s the best Caesar dressing I’ve had and I 
would be over joyed to find it. 

To help identify it, it has (among other things) oil, red wine vinegar, 
anchovies and Dijon mustard.  It may have garlic (I don’t remember).    
Notably (to help in identifying it) it calls for a coddled egg and provides 
instruction for how to do it. It is also one of the only recipes I’ve seen, 
that calls for squeezing fresh lemon on the Romaine lettuce. 

I just found your site and hope you can help.  I will be browsing other 
requests in hopes I can pay this forward to someone else. 

Kindest regards, 


Hi Hillary,

There are a lot of Sunset Magazine recipes on the web, including several different Caesar Salad recipes. I looked at all of them that I could find. However, I cannot find one that matches your description exactly.

I will post this for reader input. Perhaps one of my readers has a collection of Sunset Magazine issues or has one or more of the many Sunset Magazine Cookbooks that have been issued. It might be in one of those.

However, I did find a recipe that is very close. It has olive oil, red wine vinegar, anchovy paste, Dijon mustard, garlic, a coddled egg, and lemon juice.

What it does not have are instructions to use a blender, instructions for coddling the egg and directions to squeeze lemon juice on the Romaine lettuce and it does not give Sunset Magazine as a source.

It is so close, however, that perhaps it will work for you. You can always choose to use a blender.


Caesar Salad Dressing

1 teaspoon anchovy paste
1 large clove garlic, pressed
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1 coddled egg
juice of 1 lemon
splash Tabasco sauce
splash Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup olive oil

In a bowl, whisk together anchovy paste, pressed garlic,
vinegar, egg, lemon juice, Tabasco, Worcestershire, and
grated Parmesan. While whisking continuously, drizzle
oil into mixture until well incorporated and thickened.
Dear Uncle Phaedrus:

Thank you so much for your diligent research.  I appreciate it very much.  
I'll give this one a try as it seems as though the flavor profile should 
be very similar.  I am excited to have found your website. I'm looking 
forward to dropping in every so often! 