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Steak & Ale 1000 Island Dressing

Re: Steak and Ale Thousand island dressing From: Tracy Date: 11/8/2021, 7:47 AM To: On 11/7/2021 7:18 PM, Tracy wrote: Hello,  can you please help me find the recipe to steak & Ale's thousand island dressing.          Thank you,  Tracy 

Hi Tracy,

I searched for this in 2012. See: 7-30-2012 I searched for it again in 2015 when I was looking for Steak & Ale French dressing. See: 5-1-2015

I had no success either time with the 1000 Island dressing. Since several years have passed, I searched again today. It appears that this dressing was made in large quantities by an outside vendor. It was not made at the local Steak & Ale restaurants. Employees at the local restaurants did not make it and would not know how to make it. I found mentions by former Steak & Ale employees of two outside vendors as sources for the dressing:  Brother's Produce and Pillsbury. Of course, you can't buy it from those vendors. Pillsbury doesn't even make salad dressings, so it must have been one of their subsidiaries.

I did find something on "The Red Dirt Chronicles" website. Some one posted there that they had a book with the 1000 island dressing recipe in it, and they posted this:

1 quart diced celery
1 quart diced onions
1 # 10 can chili sauce ( ?)
damn the hole puncher punched out the amounts again, 
sorry but its pickle relish sweet, it says quarts 
but how many I do not know. and gallons of mayo, 
again the danged hole puncher

marinate 12 hours to mix flavors
now it says it makes 6 gallons

That's not very helpful to someone trying to duplicate the dressing. Probably not a complete list of ingredients(no spices?) and no amounts given for all of the ingredients. Also no provenance given for the recipe or book. You can view the message posted here: Red Dirt Chronicles

As I said in 2012, a former Steak & Ale employee posted that they were told if they ran out of the 1000 island dressing, Marzetti's 1000 Island Dressing was the official substitute.

You should try that. In many grocery stores, Marzetti's dressings are not with the other salad dressings, but are with the produce.

I'll post this.
